
The Center for Gender Equity and Equality | CGEE

The Center for Gender Equity and Equality of University of Visual and Performing Arts (CGEE- UVPA) is an inter-disciplinary center was established in September, 2017 and draws its membership from across the university. It is therefore not attached to any faculty but reports directly to the Vice Chancellor.

The goal of CGEE – UVPA is to promote gender equity and equality within the university’s community and then to transform it into society. Also, it focuses on consciousness-raising on gender issues in the university, teaching and also research.

Gender equality is the notion that there should be equal rights, responsibilities and opportunities for women and men also adolescents. Equality does not mean that women and men should be the same; but that rights, responsibilities and opportunities should not depend on whether people are born male or female. Also, the specific interests, needs and priorities of both men and women should be taken into consider because those are depending on their biological sex and their gendered life experiences.

The CGEE- UVPA is established on the synchronized conceptualization of gender equity and equality. This means that both the similarities of men’s and women’s life experiences as well as the differences in their life experiences are taken into account in conceptualizations and discussions about gender in the university.

Stipulated key functions of the CGEE are:

  • enhancing resources on Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV);
  • Identifying ways and means of preventing Sexual and Gender Based Violence (SGBV) in the university;
  • empowering students and staff to prevent and respond to SGBV;
  • providing training on gender equity and equality;
  • doing the curricular reforms to inculcate the concepts and practices of GEE;
  • enhancing capacity to facilitate and monitor the implementation of the GEE’s Policies at the institutional level;
  • Inquiring sexual and gender based violence and proposing to university councils for disciplinary actions to offenders and facilities to victims; and
  • Conducting research, review policies and contribute policy inputs in the university level.

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Contact Us:

Director (Acting)

Ms. Sharada Pathirage

The Center for Gender Equity and Equality

No 46, Horton Place

Colombo 07.

[email protected]