Welcome to the 24th symposium of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments which will take place from 29th march to 01st April, 2023, at the Faculty of Music in the University of the Visual and Performing Arts, UVPA, Colombo. The symposium will accommodate both onsite and online presentations in the English language.

For Attendee Registration:




Abstract Book

Final Programme Plan

Number (1, 2, 3, 4) – day

ia – in absence

ip – in person

yellow marker – in person presented without pre-recording

Session A – first morning 9.00 am – 10.30 am

Session B – second morning 11.00 am – 12.30 pm

Session C – first afternoon 2.00 pm – 3.30 pm

Session D – second afternoon 4.00 pm – 5.30 pm

Session E – after duties

Only members of ICTM can be session chairs except for the opening. All single papers are of 20 minutes + 10 min Q&A. So, each session is 90 minutes long. The sessions will take place at UVPA in a class room equipped with offline and online equipment. Single sessions and Q&A are open to all attendees. The excursion and some performances will be available as documentaries.

Day 1 – Wednesday, 29 March 2023

1A chair: Saman Panapitiya (ip) / Ranjith Fernando (ip)

Opening (20 Min) Rinko Fujita (ia) / Ranjith Fernando (ip)

The Ideals of Nature in Guqin Performance Practice: The 7-Stringed Chinese Zither Guqin

Hoh Chung Shih (ip)

Workshop (55 min)

1B chair: Rasto Jakovljevic (ip)

A Newly Emerging and Socially Inclusive ‘Pitiful’ Sound: Okinawan Ryukyu Karen in the View of Art Therapy and Well-being

Huang Wan (ia)

The Tuvan khöömei throat-singing and its Igil Accompaniment as Instruments of Nature

Choduraa Tumat (ia) and Bernard Kleikamp (ia)


Saida Daukeyeva (ia)

1C chair: Huang Wan (ia)

The Future of Instrumental Sound and Instrumentalists

Gisa Jaehnichen (ip)

The Evolution of Sanjo with a Focus on the Refining Process of the Seong Geumyeon School of Gayageum Sanjo

Jocelyn Clark (ia)

Studies on Resonators of Local Wind Instruments in Southwest China

Yang Chen杨 琛  (ip)

1D chair: Ahmad Faudzi Musib (ia)

The Functionality of Instrumental Timbre in Religious Rituals

Zhong Weicheng (ia)

Biegga, Čáhci, Duoddarat, and other ‘Geo-Phones’: Polyorganicity of Sápmi and Environmental Accompaniments to Sami Yoiks

Nicola Renzi (ia)

The Mandoharp Creation of Amaradheva and its Use in the 1980s and 1990s

Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda (ip)

Day 2 – Thursday, 30 March 2023

2A chair: Gisa Jaehnichen (ip)

The Use of Conch Shells (Hak Gedi) in Sri Lankan Cultural Context

Iranga Samindani Weearkkody (ip)

Refining Pluralism or Over Simplifications of Musical Cultures

Gerald Ng Kea Chye (ia)

The Long Drum of Yao Lusheng in the Fuchuan Area of Guangxi

Lu Song (ia)

2B chair: Timkehet Teffera (ia)

The Production of Tabla in Sri Lanka

Nishadi P. Meddegoda  (ip)

Stones Can Also Be Used as Musical Instruments

Yang Yujia (ia)

The Flow of “Han”: Woong Yi Lee’s Transnational “Musicking” Research

Xue Tong (ia)

2C chair: Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda (ip)

The Lithuanian Diaspora Brass Bands in the USA

Rūta Žarskienė (ia)

A New Conversation of Viola and Zhongruan

Andrew Filmer(ia) and Sulwyn Lok (ia)

Bamboo Siblings: The Mouth Organs in Continental Southeast Asia and China

Liu Xiangkun (ip)

2D chair: Jocelyn Clark (ia)

Vocalized Strings: Uniqueness in the Layers of Alice in Chains

W.M.D.A.L.B. Tilakaratna (ip)

Re-constructing the Azande Manza Xylophones of Northern DR Congo through Artistic Experimentation

Adilia On-ying Yip (ip)

The Role of Spirituality and Nature in Iranian Performance Traditions

Sahereh Astaneh  (ia)

From 6.00 pm to 7.00 pm on Sri Lankan time – Cultural Show

Day 3 – Friday, 31 March 2023

3A chair: Charudaththe Bandara Illangasinghe (ip)

On the Relationship Between Zhuang qīxiánqín and Similar Musical Instruments

Chu Zhuo (ia)

Timbral Manipulation of Flute Sound in Flamenco as a Process of Indigenisation

Massimo Cattaneo (ia)

Refining vs. Simplification in Sape players Tusau Padan, Matthew Ngau Jau, Jerry Kamit, and Tuyang Tan Ngan’s Transmission and Performance on and through Sound Manipulation

Ahmad Faudzi Musib (ia)

3B chair: Gerald Ng Kea Chye (ia)

Embracing Nature and Producing Instruments: The Case of Waza Trumpets of the Bertha

Timkehet Teffera (ia)

Pa’O Khaya Revealed: New Materialism in Ethnographic Organology

Christopher A. Miller (ia)

Nurturing Music with the Nature: Sound construction of vaCopi timbila and cimbveka

Joaquim Borges Gove (ia)

3C chair: Iranga S. Weerakkody (ip)

The Science behind the Art of Making the Gataberaya

Bandara, K. (ip), Samarasinghe, K. (ip), Embogama, S. (ip), & Nethsinghe, R. (ip)

Screening time of related video material (80 Minutes)

3D chairs: Gisa Jaehnichen (ip) / Rastko Jakovljevic (ip) / Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda (ip) / Rinko Fujita (ia)

Business meeting of the ICTM Study Group on Musical Instruments

Agenda of the Business Meeting:

  • Short Report of the 24th Symposium (Chinthaka prageeth Meddegoda)
  • Suggestion of next symposium (Rastko Rastko Jakovljevic)
  • Suggestion for next SIMP VIII (deadlines, shape, requirements: Gisa Jaehnichen/Alex Dea)
  • Preparation for next election (voting election committee) during the next symposium (Rinko Fujita)
  • Suggestions for next topics (Gisa Jaehnichen + Rastko Jakovljevic)
    Misc (Rinko Fujita)


Day 4 – Saturday, 1 April 2023

4A – D Excursion to a village of instrument makers + Kandy, return to Colombo. Picking up at the hotel or the university.


Huang Wan – [email protected]

Manfred Bartmann – [email protected]

Timkehet Teffera – [email protected]

Alex Dea – [email protected]

Gisa Jähnichen – [email protected] (Study Group Chair)


Dr. Saman Panapitiya (Dean/Faculty of Music)

Dr. Chinthaka Prageeth Meddegoda

Dr. Sampath Chandrasiri

Professor Iranga Weerakkody

Kamani Samarasinghe

Kamalinie Samarakoon

E. M. I. Edirisooriya

B. A. K. M. Rajapaksha

K. A. A. Indunil

A. M. Chandralal Amarakoon

A. M. R. S. K. Alagiyawanna

D. A. C. Atapattu

C. B. Illangasinghe

Niluka D. Thilakarathne