COVID -19 Vaccination Programme (Conducting from 11th October 2021)
You are kindly informed that all the state universities will be conducting vaccination programmes from 11th October 2021. You can access the nearest university vaccination point and get your vaccination by providing your NIC as well as the University Identity Card.
Following Universities have instructed to fill the google form as follows;
University of the Visual and Performing Arts, requests to fill the google form and submit and vaccination programme will start from 11th October 2021 at the Medical Centre, Albert Crescent. Colombo 07
Click the link below to fill the form
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ruhuna, requested to fill the google form and submit as UVPA is planning to start vaccination proramme from 12th October 2021
Click the link below to fill the form
University of Sri Jayawardhanapura, Bandaranayake Hall, from 9.00am onward from 11th October 2021
Click the link below to fill the form
University of Ruhuna, vaccination programme will start at Matara Wellamadama and Kamurupitiy/Agri Facutly on 13.10.2021
South Eastern University Notice
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Uva Wellassa University Notice
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