Prof. J. A. V. N. Jayathilaka
Head - Department of History and Theory of Arts | Professor
Qualifications: BA, MPhil, PhD
I am a senior lecturer, art historian, writer, and artist. After completion of my studies in Fine Arts at the University of Kelaniya, I became a member of the inaugural teaching faculty of the Visual and Performing Arts Unit, Department of Fine Arts, Kelaniya. In 2010, I joined the Department of History & Art Theory, Faculty of Visual Arts, the University of Visual and Performing Arts. My research interests focus on Sri Lankan Art History, Art in Colonial Period, Buddhist Art, Art Theories, Cultural Studies, Modern and Contemporary Art.
Research Interests:
Sri Lankan Art History, Contemporary Art Theories, Buddhist Art, Cultural Studies, Literature, Painting and Graphic Design
- Buddhist Images Houses (English) (2015) Samkatana Research Center, Kelaniya: University of Kelaniya. (Co-author)
- Research Methodology & Writing about Art (Sinhala) (2019) Department of History & Art Theory, Colombo: UVPA. (Co-author)
- Kalal Waguren Sihil Diya Wetha (Sinhala) (2006) Divulapitiya: Saraswathi Prakashakayo.
Research Papers/ Journal Articles
- ‘Buddhist patrons in the Late-Colonial Ceylon: Mudaliyars and Their Influence on Temple Construction’ in Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, Vol. X, (2008), Kelaniya: Faculty of Humanities of University of Kelaniya. pp.217-232
- ‘Artisans and Their Practice of construction and decoration of Buddhist Monasteries in the low-country of colonial Ceylon (1750-1900)’ in Journal of the Faculty of Humanities, Vol. VIII (2008), Kelaniya: Faculty of Humanities of University of Kelaniya. pp.281-293
- ‘Garment as a Symbol of Power & Morality: Western Costumes in Buddhist Art in Late-Colonial Period of Sri Lanka’ in Archeologia Zeylanica (2011 January-April), Vol. I, Kelaniya: Department of Archeology of University of Kelaniya. pp. 55-68
- ‘Yatathvijithaknaya Saha Boudha Serasili Kalava 1750-1900’ (Lit. Colonization & Decorative Motives of Buddhist Art.) in Journal of Faculty of Graduate Studies (2012) Vol. I, Kelaniya: Faculty of Graduate Studies in University of Kelaniya. pp.88-975.
- ‘Kalava Anthar Sanskruthika Demuhunkaranayak Lesa: Yatahvijitha Sri lankeya Boudha Kalava’ (Lit. Art as a Form of Inter-cultural Hybridization: Buddhist Art in Colonial Sri Lanka) (2013), Arahath Sangamith Puda, Volume II, Colombo: Sanghamitta Shraddakara Padanama. pp.309-342
- ‘Representations of Queen Victoria in Late-colonial Sri Lankan Buddhist Art’ (2015). Evolving Traditions of Buddhist Image Houses I, Samkathana Research Centre, Dalugama: University of Kelaniya. pp 67-82
- ‘Sri Lankave Pahatharata Vihara Siththaru: Arbuda, Abhiyoga, Anuvarthana saha Kala Bhavithaya Pilibanda Patanayak 1800-1900’ (Lit. Temple Painters in the Low-country: A text on their Crisis, Challenges, Tranformatiion and Art Practice) (2015) Prabhava, Colombo: Department of History & Art Theory (UVPA), pp 87-1238.
- ‘Temple artists in Sri Lanka: Sittara Traditions of the Uḍaraṭa (Upcountry) and Pātaraṭa (Low country)’ (2015). Evolving Traditions of Buddhist Image Houses I, Samkathana Research Centre, Dalugama: University of Kelaniya. pp 104-1189.
- ‘Shifting Patrons from the Times of the Kandyan Kings to the British Occupation’ (2015). Evolving Traditions of Buddhist Image Houses I, Samkathana Research Centre, Dalugama: University of Kelaniya. pp 155-169Symposiums01.
- “Western Elements in Buddhist Monastic Art in the Western and Southern Maritime Region in the 18th & 19th Centuries”.
- 7th Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya in 2006.02.
- “Sub-styles of Murals in Southern School (1750-1900 A.D.)”. 8th Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya in 2007.03.
- “ Temple Painters in Sothern School: Socio-cultural Background & Creative Process”, 9th Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya in 2008.04.
- “Western Elements in Buddhist Monastic Art and Architecture in Colonial Ceylon”, International Research Symposium of Faculty of Social Sciences in 2008.05.
- “Mudaliyars in the Low-country and Temple Construction; Inter-religious Patronage in Colonial Ceylon”.
- 10th Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya in 2009.06. “Colonization and Buddhist Decorative Motives (1750 – 1900 A.D.)”.
- 12th Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya in 2011.07.
- “Sub-styles in Buddhist Temple Painting in the Modern Transitional Period of Sri Lanka (1800-1900)” 14th Annual Research Symposium of Faculty of Graduate Studies, University of Kelaniya in 2014.08.
- “Garment as a Metaphor of Politics: Representation of Colonial Outfits in Buddhist Art”. HETC Research Symposium, 2014.09.
- “Hybrid Artists: Temple Painters and Sculptors in Maritime Region of Sri Lanka during the British Colonia Period (1800-1900)”, 2nd International Research Symposium, UVPA, 2019.
- 11th Anniversary Art Exhibition of University of Visual & performing Arts, JDA Perera gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2016)
- 10th Anniversary Art Exhibition of University of Visual & Performing Arts, JDA Perera Gallery, Colombo, Sri Lanka (2015)
- Five Artist: Five Visions : Exhibition of Paintings, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2003)
- World Bank founded HETC QIG – Window 3/ Humanities Research scholarship/ grant to complete PhD.
- Best result with First Class (Hons.), Bachelor of Arts in Fine Arts, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka (2004)
- All island 4th place in G.C.E. (Advance Level) Examination
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