Mr. P. A. Gayan Chathuranga
Lecturer (Probationary)
Qualifications: BVA (special)
P.A. Gayan Chathuranga is a Designer. He Completed The first Degree in the University of Visual and Performing Arts in 2013. He has participated in local and international exhibitions and seminar and also won several awards in international exhibitions. Mr. P.A. Gayan Chathuranga Published several research papers in the University of Visual and Performing Arts.
Research Interests:
Multi-Disciplinary Design
- Sri Lankawe sampradhaika meti karmanthaye noothana bhavithamaya Swaroopaya pilibanda vimarshanathmaka adyayanayak
- Sri Lankawe Sampradhaika hastha karmanthayanhi noothana welandapola swabawaya ha samaajeeya akalpa
- Awarded “Visual Arts Gold Medal” for the Highest Grade Point Average With the first Class for the bachelor of Visual Arts (Special) Degree 2010/2011, University of the Visual and Performing Arts.
- Awarded an “Honorable Mentions” at the International Online Exhibition on “Open-No-Theme” Art Contest 2016, International Gallery of Arts, Canada.
- Awarded an “Honorable Mentions” at the International Online Exhibition on “All Scapes” Art Contest 2016, International Gallery of Arts, Canada.