Mr H. P. M. Dammika Chaminda
Lecturer (Probationary) (Acting Head - Department of Ethnomusicology - FOM)
Qualifications: B.F.A (Kelaniya) M.phil (kKelaniya) Dip.Fine Arts (NYSC )
Mr. Dammika Chaminda obtained his BFA Degree from the University of Kelaniya with Second Class Upper in 2005.Later he completed M.Phil degree in University of Kelaniya in the year 2015.In the year 1999 he completed his Three years Diploma in Fine Arts conducted by National Youth Services Council .He has worked as a permanent instructor from the year 2006 till 2021 in the Ethnomusicology Department, Faculty of Music, University of Visual and Performing Arts.
In the year 2021 he has started his career as a Probationary Lecturer in the Ethnomusicology Department, Faculty of Music, University of Visual and Performing Arts and currently he is working in the same position up to now. He is teaching about Traditional Drums and Traditional Dancing.
Research Interests:
Local Dancing and drumming . Field research
Ethnomusicology, Traditional Sri Lankan Drums and Dancing