Qualifications: BFA (Kelaniya), M. Phil (Kelaniya), Ph.D. (UVPA)
I was born in Kalutara, Sri Lanka in 1964, the eldest in a family of six children. Late my father was a Painter and Late my mother was a school teacher.
I had my early education at Sripalee Collage, Horana where I developed a keen interest in the subject of Performing Arts particularly the up country Dance. Pursuing this interest, I offered a combination of dancing and other Arts subject for both GCE Ordinary Level and GCE Advanced Level Examination. After gaining entrance to the Institute of Aesthetic Studies affiliated to the University of Kelaniya on the basis of highly competitive GCE (A/L) Examination, I opted to follow a course leading to the Bachelor Degree in Fine Arts. In first year of my degree course, I followed all the three traditional dance of Upcountry, Low country and Sabaragamu. I second year I selected Sabaragamu Dance as main subject and followed my degree course on wards.
I graduated from the Institute of Aesthetic Studies, University of Kelaniya in 1987. I was appointed as a visiting Instructor in the Department of Dance of the Institute of Aesthetic Studies for the Academic years of 1987/88, 1988/89, 1989/90, 1990/91, 1991/92. On the basis of my academic qualification and considering the teaching experience I had during the period of 1987 to 1992, I was appointed as an Assistant Lecturer (Probationary) in the Department of Dance in the Institute of Aesthetic Studies of the University of Kelaniya with effect from 1st July 1993. After obtaining my post Graduate Degree of Master of Philosophy in 1998, I was promoted to Senior Lecturer – Grade II in the Department of Dance of the Institute of Aesthetic Studies with effect from 01st December 1998. Subsequently, I was promoted to Senior Lecturer – Grade 1 with effect from 1st December 2004. The Institute of Aesthetic Studies was obtained full university status and named it as University of the Visual & Performing Arts in the year 2005. Accordingly, I continued my service as Senior Lecturer in the Department of Sabaragamu Dance in the Faculty of Dance and Drama of the University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
At the beginning of my career, I enthusiastically associated to my senior colleague, late Mr. Wikramasinghe Bandara firstly to develop the subject Area of Sabaragamu Dance; then the teaching and learning process. After obtaining full university status under the name of University of the Visual & Performing Arts in 2005, initially three faculties namely Faculty of Dance & Drama, Faculty of Music and Faculty of Visual Arts were developed. Subsequently Faculty of Graduate Studies was developed as fourth faculty. The Faculty of Dance & Drama was consisted with seven departments including Sabaragamu Dance. As a senior lecturer I made my contribution in several ways to develop the Department of Sabaragamu Dance. Apart from that, I enthusiastically associated the faculty of Dance and Drama and made my contribution in many avenues to develop teaching and learning process of the faculty. As a member of the committee set up for the Curriculum planning and development, I made several contributions for the Development of Course Structure and Evaluation Criteria for the degree courses conducted by the Faculty of Dance & Drama, University of The Visual and Performing Arts. Apart from this, I made my contribution participating to Staff Development Programs conducted by The University of the Visual & Performing Arts.
In addition, I have provided my service as Head of the Department of Sabaragamu Dance, during two periods, from 15th August 2008 to 14th August 2011 and 18th December 2017 to 17th December 2020 respectively. In these periods, under my supervision facts finding field visits and workshops were executed to enhance the subject knowledge of Sabaragamu dance. Within this periods, I introduced two Course Units namely the Sabaragamu Sokari Drama and Ethnology to the Sabaragamu Dance Degree Program. Apart from this my contribution made for the development of the Syllabus contents for External Degree / Diploma programs conducted by the Centre for Open & Distance Learning of the University of The Visual and Performing Arts.,
Research Interests:
I have been enthusiastically working to develop a research culture among final year undergraduate students and postgraduate students as well. I used to disseminate my research experience & knowledge, gained through my Ph.D. research. In the event, I made useful contribution particularly to develop the research capability of the postgraduate students who come to receive supervisory advice from me.
In addition, I participated & made my contribution to the bellow mentioned Research Symposium.
- The Chair Person of parallel Session 03 on day 1 of International Research Symposium 2018 organized by the UVPA, on Changing World, Challenging Boundaries (New Frontiers of Creative Arts and Humanities) held on 05th to 07th December 2018 at Sri Lanka Foundation Institute, Colombo.
- Undergraduate Students Research Symposium 2018
- Member of the organizing Committee at the Student Research Symposium 2018 organized by the Faculty of Dance & Drama.
- A Coordinator of undergraduate Students Research Symposium held on 27th to 28th December 2018. As a coordinator I guided the students to prepare the abstracts.
- Chair Person of the panel members of evening session on 28th December 2018.
- Undergraduate Students Research Symposium 2019
- A Coordinator of Research Symposium held on 19th to 20th December 2019.
- Chair Person at a Session of Research Symposium held on 19th to 20th December 2019.
- Authored ‘Balangoda Dewala Sanskruthiya’ launched in 2019, published by S. Godage & Brothers
- Authored ‘Sabaragamuwe Pahanmadu Yaga’ launched in 2004, published by S. Godage & Brothers
- Siwehela Dancing Academy, Horana assessed the services offered by Senior Artist to the Sri Lankan society. Accordingly award offered to me was received from then Sri Lankan Prime Minister, Hon. Rathnasiri Wickramanayake
Inter-University Teaching:
I have provided my service as Visiting Lecturer, Department of Languages Cultural Studies & Performing Arts, Faculty of Humanities & Social Sciences, University of Sri Jayewardenepura from 2007/ 2008 up to date.